Lion King Exercise / Erickson’s Stages of Development
1) What is the most important role of parents during their child’s First Year of Life? Do you think that Simba’s parents accomplished this task? Please explain.
During the first year of life, child develops trust vs. mistrust. They need maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty to trust himself, others, and the environment. Parents’ important role in this stage is to provide these needs to their child. I think Simba’s parents accomplished this task. They provided him a safe and comfortable living environment, Mom made sure there was someone wiser to go with him when he wanted to go out. His dad taught him how to make living and where he should not to go. The King dad also taught him the kingdom and promised him that he will always be there on the sky to guard him once he became a king.
2) When Simba believes it’s his fault for hid father’s death, he is most likely in what stage of development. Please explain.
He is in the preschooler development stage. In this stage, child begin to initiate, not imitate, activities, develops conscience and sexual identity. Simba went to someplace he should not be and got involved in a dangerous situation which indirectly caused his dad’s death. That is why he thought it is his fault for hid father’s death.
3) Simba makes friends with Timone and Pumba and adopts a life-style of “No Worries.” What development stage is he exhibiting?
He is in school-age child development stage. In this stage, child tries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills. Simba is learning from new friends and develop a new life style.
4) When do you think that the stage of Identity Vs Role Confusion is evidenced in the movie? Identify behaviors exhibits by Simba that convince you that he is in this stage?
When Simba and his new friends lying under the moon and Simba was talking about what his father once told me what the stars are. And when his girl friend came to find he is still alive and asked him to go back to his kingdom. These are the evidences in the movie of Simba’s development stage of Identity Vs Role Confusion. After Simba told his friends what the stars were and then said: “pretty dam. Isn’t it?” and when he refuses to go back to his kingdom, and said to his girl friend: “It does not matter anyone knows if I am alive. I am not the Simba before. I am not the king, Scar is the king.” These two parts convinced me that he was in this stage.
5) Describe a scene in the movie when Simba demonstrated behavior associated with the stage of Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt.
After heard what uncle Scar talking about the world of the shadowy place and took his best friend to go there and investigate, he wanted to be brave and at the same time, he was not sure he was doing the right thing. He put himself and his best friend in danger. In this stage of life, child works to master physical environment while maintaining self-esteem. When dad gave him a speech about what he did, he expressed that he was just trying to be brave like dad. At this time, Simba was in the Toddler of development stage.
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