Week 8
Patient’s need for education
This week, I am lucky enough to get a chance to go to the Cath lab to observe the procedure. I am so amazed by the procedure, amazed how quickly a narrowing coronary artery can be fixed during the procedure. I really appreciate the opportunity I got.
One patient went to see his doctor for other reasons other than coronary artery disease. Just before he left the doctor’s office, he asked: “What is about the chest pain I am having now?” made him to be referred to a cardiologist. After few noninvasive diagnostic tests, he was diagnosed as coronary artery disease and scheduled for coronary angiogram and possible intervention. Under X-ray during agiogram, we saw a significant narrowing of his mid LAD, and the cardiologist decided to put a stent in it to treat the lesion. The procedure was successful and the patient can go home the same day.
There are still 3 places of his coronary artery a narrowed but insignificant and there is no need to put a stent in. It can be managed with medication. But the patient really needs to be taught to manage his blood cholesterol and change lifestyle which can reduce the factor of myocardial infarct. He also needs to be on Aspirin for at least a year to Prophylaxis of transient ischemic attacks and MI.
I would basically use the hand out the cath lab have abut the procedure and the hand out in PCU about CAD to do my patient teaching. I would also give him the information about internet and community services for him to get information in the future. The important thing need to be stressed is the cholesterol management and the life style changing. It can enhance pt’s well being and protect future damage of the coronary arteries. Stent fixed the existing problem, the potential problem need the pt. To be motivated to act and prevent.
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11 months ago